Ideas for Designing Your Own Mini Zen Garden

Zen gardens are known for making people feel calm and at peace. A zen garden can be made up of small potted plants and other green things that you can grow in your home, on your desk, on your balcony, or even on your porch. They are small, bring beauty and freshness into our lives, and are a lot of fun to put together. We actually have some lovely project ideas to share with you about this topic.

A Desktop Zen Garden

The first idea of Zen garden I want to show you is ‘Gardenista‘. It looks more like the outdoors than sand gardens that you can rake and move around, and it’s the perfect size! (You can still practice mindfulness by stacking and moving the stones!)


Photo by Gardenista

Mini Zen Garden with Buddha style

The “thirstyfortea” mini zen garden also looks great. This is a more traditional way to do it, with things like a small statue of Buddha and a small rake for the sand that have a lot of meaning. You can make something similar with a frame made of bamboo balls and some moss, sand, and decorative stones to make it look real. You might be able to fit it on your desk.


Photo by thirstyfortea

Mini Zen Garden with a Brown Thumb

DIY Network made this step-by-step guide to making a Zen garden on a countertop. This is the easiest way to make your own mini Zen garden. All you need are three things. It’s also great for people who have brown thumbs.


Photo by DIY Network

DIY Succulents Zen Garden

If you worry about plants and have to take care of them, you could use fake succulents in your small meditation garden. They don’t need to be taken care of, and some of them look very real. You can just put sand in a glass bowl or other container and add plants. You don’t need a special little rake to draw in the sand. You can just use a pencil instead. Visit dwellbeautiful for more ideas and information.


Photo by dwellbeautiful

Mini Zen Garden with Faux Trees

Another one with a fake tree…really, wouldn’t it be easier to just use a real tree? You made this fake tree out of seeds. Try out this “Live, Craft, Love” tutorial on how to make a beaded cactus Zen garden.


Photo by Live, Craft, Love

Mini Zen Garden with a Bowl

You can buy kits that come with a few of the things you need to make a small meditation garden, or you can get creative and gather everything yourself. You can use any shallow bowl or tray made of wood, glass, metal, or any other material you like. The fine sand that you pour into the container is the most important part. Once you have the sand, you can add things like small rocks, shells, beads, small trees, or figurines to make a scene. On confessionsofanover-workmom, you can find more information and ideas that might help you.


Photo by confessionsofanover-workedmom

Mini Zen Garden for Mothers’ Day

This was made by “Brit & Co.” as a Mother’s Day gift, but it would also look great on your desk or nightstand. Also, flamingos aren’t necessary!


Photo by Brit & Co.

Mini Zen Garden with Sand

You can use different kinds of sand and even colored sand to make a design for your mini zen garden. We really like how proflowers use both white and black sand, especially with this special box made of wood. You can also add a few drops of essential oils to the sand to create a more relaxing atmosphere and calm the senses even more. In any case, keep things simple. If you can help, don’t add too many details.


Photo by Pro Flowers

Another Mini Zen Garden with a Faux-Succulent

Under the sand in this colorful Zen garden from “Nous Decor,” there is a succulent plant. People say you can water through the sand, but you can also use a succulent or air plant for this project. Which of your favorite colors makes you think your garden is a happy place?


Photo by Nous Decor

DIY Mini Zen Garden Favor Kits

If you are really feeling inspired and want to share the joy of having a mini meditation garden with all of your loved ones, it might be a good idea to make small favor kits for their upcoming big event. You can use small boxes and put sand, a small air plant, and two or three shells, seeds, or pebbles in each one. This way, each guest can take home their own mini meditation garden. Who knows, maybe this will make them want to make their own bigger versions. Check out ruffledblog for more details.


Photo by Ruffled Blog