Fiddle Leaf Fig – How to Grow and Care for a Houseplant

The fiddle-leaf fig (Ficus lyrata) is a popular indoor tree with large, violin-shaped leaves that are glossy, have a lot of veins, and grow straight up on a thin trunk. Since then, there hasn’t been another houseplant that can change the look of a room or make it feel more alive like the fiddle leaf fig can. Fortunately, I can all learn how to grow a fiddle-leaf fig in our own backyard (Mostly from learning from the mistakes of home gardeners). Your fiddle leaf fig tree can live in your home for many years if you follow a few simple steps. So, let’s learn how to take care of fiddle leaf figs so I don’t kill the most beautiful thing in the room.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Planting Tips

Make sure you take your time and shop around for the best price before deciding to purchase one of these popular and stylish houseplants. Because these plants can be sensitive to less-than-ideal conditions, you don’t want to buy one that was treated badly before you got it. If you don’t, your poor fig tree may lose most of its leaves all at once, for no reason, a week or a month from now.

Your fiddle leaf fig should be planted in an all-purpose potting soil in a container that has excellent drainage. Keep in mind that root rot is the most common cause of death for these houseplants, so use a strong pot.


Photo by The Spruce

Don’t over fertilize. During the growing season, you only need to fertilize once a month. Don’t fertilize at all in the winter, when the plants stop growing. (It just means that they don’t grow, so fertilizing them is a waste of money since the plant can’t use the nutrients.)

Avoid drafts. When I was a kid, I had a ficus tree. Whenever my mom moved it to a new spot, half of its leaves would fall off. Most of the time, it was because it was near a drafty window or right in front of a heating vent. Find a place for your plant where it won’t get too cold. They hate being cold. You know how to draft? Because that would be why your plant is dropping green leaves. Is it clear enough? No drafts!

Keep the plant’s roots in a small space. This means you shouldn’t put a small seedling in a big pot for it to grow into. It likes its roots to be a little tight.


Photo by The Garden Glove

How to Water

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they first learn how to take care of a fiddle leaf fig is giving it too much water. If you put this plant underwater, its leaves will turn brown and fall off. If you water too much, the leaves will get brown and fall off. When the soil is dry about an inch below the surface, you should water your fiddle leaf fig tree. Make sure it drains well and doesn’t sit in a puddle of water. If it sits in water for a long time, root rot will happen very quickly. You could give it a lot of water in the shower and let it drain for a few hours.


Photo by The Garden Glove


The best way for fiddle-leaf figs to grow and look their best is in bright, filtered light. Direct sunlight, especially hot afternoon sun, can burn the leaves. 2 And plants won’t grow quickly if they are kept in a place with very little light.


Photo by The Garden Glove


A fiddle-leaf fig should be able to grow in any good potting mix for indoor plants. Make sure the soil can drain well.

Soure: QVC Online


Photo by QVC Online

Temperature and Humidity

Fiddle-leaf figs don’t like big changes in temperature. Most plants will do well in a room with a temperature from 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. However, you should keep the plant away from drafts and air conditioning and heating vents. These can make temperatures change quickly.

Aim for a level of humidity between 30% and 65%. If your plant needs extra humidity, mist it every day with clean water from a spray bottle. Or, you can put it on a tray of pebbles filled with water, as long as the bottom of the pot doesn’t touch the water. Also, figs with fiddle-shaped leaves do better in a room with a humidifier.


Photo by The Garden Glove

How to Save a Dying Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

So, if you already know how to care for a fiddle leaf fig because you have one, that’s great. Not so good if it’s dying. I looked at “Young House Love” and “Gardenista” and found two great articles on saving your dying fiddle leaf fig. If a plant isn’t too far gone, you should try to save it.


Photo by Young House Love

How to Prune a Fiddle Leaf Fig

Pruning a fiddle leaf fig actually makes it healthier because it directs its energy into growing straight up. The website “I Spy DIY” has a great tutorial on pruning this plant. She’s had hers for a year, and it’s still going strong and looking beautiful.


Photo by I SPY DIY

How to Grow a Fiddle Leaf Fig (Make Free Babies!)

You can put the cut stem in water and wait for roots to grow, then plant it in potting soil. (It can’t just be a leaf. It needs to have a stem.) Fiddle leaf fig trees don’t grow very quickly, so don’t expect giant plants any time soon. Check out “Gardenista” for tips on how to spread plants.

You can always get a fake fiddle leaf fig tree if you don’t have time to take care of a real one. Every year, they seem to be more and more like real life. I found this one online at QVC, if you can believe it. You might want to find out more about it. The price is the lowest I’m seen for a 5-foot-tall fake fiddle leaf fig tree, and the reviews are pretty good.


Photo by Twelve on Main

With these tips on how to take care of a fiddle leaf fig, you should now be able to help your plant grow and thrive. (And where you can get them!). If you enjoyed this post and want to look up more home garden ideas, check out my blog Home Garden topic here!